Cooling Towers - Factory Assembled

The Leader in Evaporative Technology

Crafted from decades of engineering know-how, EVAPCO’s factory assembled cooling towers utilize state-of-the-art patented technologies to guarantee the most efficient, maintainable, and cost-effective cooling in the industry.

All EVAPCO cooling towers are IBC compliant and CTI certified.


  • Primary Product Image
    Torre de Resfriamento STA
    Creados a partir del know-how de ingeniería desarrollado durante décadas, los enfriadores de circuito cerrado de la serie STA de Evapco cuentan con tecnología de tiro forzado de punta, para ofrecer

  • Primary Product Image
    Torre de resfriamento SCT
    Creados a partir del know-how de ingeniería desarrollado durante décadas, los enfriadores de circuito cerrado de la serie SCT de Evapco cuentan con tecnología de tiro forzado de punta, para ofrecer
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    Torre de Resfriamento STR
    Criada a partir de décadas de know-how de engenharia, as torres de resfriamento da série STR da Evapco possui tecnologia de tiragem induzida de ponta, para oferecer grandes vantagens operacionais em
  • Primary Product Image
    cooling tower AT
    The original Advanced Technology cooling tower provides an induced-draft, axial fan solution for a wide array of outdoor cooling capacities.
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    LSTE cooling tower
    The standard in low-profile, low-sound, centrifugal fan, forced-draft cooling towers, these units are especially suited for indoor and ducted layouts and provide a unitary, compact design for tight layouts or height-restricted areas.
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    LPT cooling tower
    The standard in low-profile, low-sound, centrifugal fan, forced-draft cooling towers, especially suited for indoor and ducted layouts or height-restricted areas.
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    AXS cooling tower
    The Advanced Crossflow Series of Cooling Towers puts a new spin on induced-draft, axial fan, crossflow cooling technology with features designed for simplified maintenance.